Ready to make a move that makes you happy?

Get the data and insights you need for a smart and comprehensive home search focused on what matters to you and your goals.
Willowfinch is more than your typical real estate maps or income calculators. The tools and maps give you the ability to compare place-to-place costs and savings over 10 years.

As you look through properties online, save the ones that catch your eye in a custom list on your account. You'll be able to see what numbers and locations bring you closer to your goals.

The best part is it's all automatic! We've already gathered the local taxes, health insurance costs, and more for you. You'll head into showings and meetings armed with the knowledge you need, but without taking weeks to dig through numbers and spreadsheets to get it.

With your new Willowfinch account, you'll start each month with 10 free property credits to add and compare!

Ready to see it in action?
Grab your free account!
Want Willowfinch's power for your clients?

Financial advisors and planners, community groups, real estate professionals, and more can manage accounts for their clients as a time-saving tool with a big value add.

Head over to the Willowfinch Professionals page to learn more!
A light grey, double bay, shingled cape cod style home with a large front porch. It's in a green lawn with tall trees with fall foliage starting around it.

House Hunt Getting Serious?

You can add customized visualizations, one-on-one support, or a big boost of property credits any time with the help of the Willowfinch tools and team.

You can get the extra data and insights you need with our Property Boosters or our VIP Explorer Consultations:

A 50 Property Boost

When you want to go through and compare all of your favorites, grab a big boost of property credits to use as fast as you need them.

  • 50 property credits that carry over until they’ve been used.*
  • Access to additional maps of information to consider, including:
  • NOAA Climate Data
  • Health Insurance across all states from ages 21-64
  • Sales Tax Heat Map (by every US zip code)
  • 2000-2020 Presidential Election data (by county)
$75 One-time purchase

Add a 50 PropertyBooster any time from inside your free Willowfinch account!

The VIP Explorer Consultation

Get all of the details and 1-on-1 support you need with a consultation, additional property credits, personalized maps, and more.

  • 350 property credits that carry over until you've used them.*
  • A thorough intake process where you’ll select a scenario from a 3-city comparison, a hometown radius search, or your desired lifestyle search.
  • Two 1-on-1 consultation calls with Andrea and the Willowfinch team.
  • Up to 100 personalized location recommendations based on the scenario you picked.
  • All of the additional maps included in the Booster, plus customized national maps and visualizations based on your financial information and goals.
$399 One-time purchase

Add a VIP Explorer Consultation any time from inside your free Willowfinch account!

*Property credits from one-time purchases carry over month-to-month until they're used. Once they've dropped below 10, the monthly top-up will bring credits back to 10 each month.

Home in on your dream.

Willowfinch makes it easier than ever to get the detailed data and personalized predictions to guide your house hunting process.

And for a limited time, you start every month with 10 free property credits!

Get your free account!
Common questions

Why Willowfinch?

What if I run out of properties to compare?
We get're serious about getting the clearest picture of your financial destination. If you run out of properties to compare, you can add 50 more by grabbing a Booster any time! 

Or if you're ready to ramp your search up with all the properties you need, you can sign up for a Consultation!

On top of 350 properties to compare, you'll get customized data maps, up to 100 property recommendations based on your ideal community characteristics, and one-on-one professional support from our founder Andrea and the rest of the Willowfinch team.
What it your cancellation policy?
Right now, our monthly plan is free! So dive in and enjoy.

If you add a Booster for additional properties or set up a Consultation, it's a one-time charge and the properties roll over from month-to-month until they're used. After that, you'll get monthly top-ups to 10 properties of the free monthly plan. No cancellation needed!

If you ever run into any issues with your Willowfinch account, just email and we'll look into it. You can also request to delete your free account anytime in the app portal or by emailing
What makes Willowfinch different from an income calculator?
Our algorithm compares each property you select to your current home base, highlighting if it would be more or less expensive for you to live at that address.

By adding more properties, you can create a heat map. Our affordability tool calculates the relative expense or savings within a cluster of properties in a selected area across a 10 year period.

It crosses taxable impacts across multiple data subjects, in multiple locations, at multiple ages, with various income streams like Social Security.
What factors does Willowfinch take into account?
Not only does Willowfinch account your income, relevant financial details and goals, it also factors in location-based health insurance costs, property tax information, and local taxes.

That big-picture look gives you the data you really need to make decisions that fit your budget and dreams now and well into your future.

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